Mario Kart: Super Circuit is the third installment in the Mario Kart series and was released for the Game Boy Advance. The game is known under the name Mario Kart Advance in Japan. This game combines the elements from the previous Mario Kart games and contains all the courses from Super Mario Kart. Mario Kart: Super Circuit was released on July 21, 2001 in Japan, August 27, 2001 in North America, and September 14, 2001 in Europe. Mario Kart: Super Circuit is also the first handheld Mario Kart game. Mario Kart: Super Circuit was re-released on the 3DS's Virtual Console exclusively to Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors in Australia on December 15, 2011, and in North America, Europe, and Japan on December 16, 2011. Mario Kart: Super Circuit was re-released again on the Wii U's Virtual Console in North America on November 13, 2014. This is the only Mario Kart game where the international and Japanese titles differ. Mario Kart: Super Circuit is the only Mario Kart to be developed by Intelligent Systems; the others (excluding the Mario Kart Arcade GP series, which have been developed by Namco, and Mario Kart 7, which was partially developed by Retro Studios) have been developed by Nintendo EAD. Additionally, this is the last Mario Kart game where the drivers are sprites rather than models.
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